REV. Luke Zhang

约翰福音 14:6

Personal Introduction
张路加牧师來自中國,原为材料工程师,在中國大学时代重生得救,于德國柏林理工大學材料研究所深造期间蒙召全职事奉。先后完成在美国福乐神学院及台福神学院的宣教及神学方面裝备。张牧师曾先后在德國柏林及美國洛杉矶參与建立及服事华人教会。自95年起担任「播种者」国际协会 (The Sowers international) 中国事工部主 任至今,致力于中國大陆的教会培训及校园事工。同時也在北美及各地主领聚会,推动宣教福音事工。
Rev. Luke Zhang was born in China, and he was an engineer in material science before he became a full time minister. He had his spiritual rebirth when he was in Northeast University in 1979, and he responded to God's calling when he took the further study in material science in Technical University in Berlin, Germany. He finished the theological and missiological training in Fuller and Logos Seminaries, and established Chinese churches both in Berlin and Los Angeles and was a pastor for Shen Zhou Mission church for 6 years. Since 1995, he became a full time missionary with the Sowers International, and leads the department of Chinese Ministry till now. He is deeply involved in training for the house churches and the campus ministry in China, and also does the mission works among the Chinese people in Europe, North-and South-America, and many places around the world.